Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Holy Hannah
I slept last night
for about 10 hrs...
Every once in while
I can get more sleep
then 5hrs...
Last night I
must have been
totally wiped out
in order to sleep
like a normal
I hope that I
didn't just jinx
myself for posting
But for some reason
I have a head ache
coming on...

Drat, almost a
normal day!!!
Anxiety & Depression

Monday, July 26, 2010

Happy Monday???

I put on Face book today
"Happy Monday"
What was I thinking...
I really trully always
never have a good
This is always a day
I should just stay
home and keep even
the computer off...
Tomorrow is Tuesday
and it will be a new day...
Today's pain level is
about a 6
Depression & Anxiety
is about 8-9

Sunday, July 25, 2010

time flies by

It's almost 2 weeks
since that word has
been said to me...
And the last
couple days have
been emotionally
I know I will
be OK
But I also know
life will not be
the same...
Yesterday and
today have been
the hardest...
I called some one to
ask if it was OK that
all I do stare at the tv
or drone out my
thoughts with my
I've been told it's a
I am OK but
I'm not OK
Tomorrow I will get up
and shake this off
and start taking charge
Tomorrow I will
learn more about this
disease and how to
live with it...
But I would really like
some idea of what to do...
It's unique as your own
fingerprint how this will
effect some one...
I just have to remember to
take one day at a time...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

From here on out...

I will use this as
my diary of the
week to week
life with Fibromyalgia....